compact combo series
The Compact Combo is extremely small and lightweight, featuring 8 inch drivers. These combos are 1 channel amplifiers. The electronic circuit is taken from the Single Head. Only 1 linedriver.
These super compact combo-amplifiers give you the same features as found on the Single Head combo, but the size and weight is even smaller.
Like Double and Single Head combos, you can select different power sections and loudspeakers in order to create a unique amplifier. You only get 1 channel but the auxiliary input allows an external signal sources.
The choice of loudspeaker is dependent on the use of the amplifier.
8 inch compact combo, designed mainly for guitar, reed, brass and vocal. All powermodules can be used. Normally the 300 watt module is preferred, but also the 550 watt version is great for loud clean guitar work.
Size: 27x32x25 cm's. Weight 6,1 kilo's.
